We hope everyone is well and enjoying the garden.  

March 2nd Work Party:  The March 2nd Work Party is on from 7:30 – 9:30 am. We have many infrastructure activities that need to be done in the Spring.  Remember, there is no working in individual plots during the work party and children must be over the age of 13 to participate. Remember that the 4 hour community service requirement must be completed by April 30, 2024 – and must be completed in order to be eligible for 2024/25 plot renewal.  Your help is very much appreciated.  If you plan to attend, please RSVP by replying to this email — it just helps us to plan the assignments.  The last Work Party for the garden year will be Saturday, April 6th.

Orchard Work Parties: The Orchard work parties are usually every Tuesday from 3-5pm  and are by appointment only by signing up at the Gazebo. Also, individual appointments are available by  contacting Alan Coles at:  lbcg.orchard@gmail.com. Your help is greatly appreciated.

2024/25 Membership Renewals: The renewal packet has been sent to all members via your email address – we will NOT be mailing the renewal. Good News – the membership cost remains at $160/year. The dues have not been raised since 2020 and with everything else going up, it is nice to know that we are maintaining a healthy budget without raising the dues.  The renewal deadline is April 30, 2024.  If you did not receive the email, please reply to this update and we will resend.  Anyone who cannot print out the packet can request a hard copy from Carol Meyer or Greg Marcotte.  April 30th is the final day for submission of plot renewals. Any renewal received after April 30th will be considered late and a monetary penalty will be applied in order to retain membership. If you are leaving the garden at the end of the garden calendar year (April 30th), your plot must be fully cleaned out and in good shape, with car tags and gate openers returned. Please let Nancy Bernstein know in advance at 562-477-1598,  if you plan to leave as we are getting new applicants. Try to send your renewal in as soon as possible and you are welcome to put your renewal in the mailbox at the garden.

May 1 Planting Deadline:  Just a reminder that all plots are required to be fully planted by May 1st. It is the time of the year to clear out the old and bring in the new. NOW is the time to get your plot in shape, add amendments in preparation for the Spring/Summer season.  Due to the cold, it is recommended that you wait until at least mid-March to plant and then possibly cover and protect plants.  Further, all broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower must be removed by May 1 as well.  

Plants that must be 4 Feet from the Border Boards:  Artichokes, Asparagus and Sunflowers — Corn was also added to this rule because of the size and height.  Consider the size of plants and how tall and wide they get so they don’t grow into the pathways  or shade your garden neighbor’s plot. 

Garden Reviews: Garden Reviews will be conducted throughout the month. The President walks the garden monthly.  Please make sure your plot is in compliance with the rules.  Board Members can check at any time also.  Click here for a Quick Reference to the Rules which is easier than reading eight pages and it’s the things we most frequently look for!

Speed in Garden: The speed limit in the Garden is 5 mph. Please only drive one car through the gate at one time. Don’t tailgate! The gate could close and cause damage to your car.

Parking: When parking, please don’t park on the edge of the road or in pathways, there are huge metal spikes sticking out that can puncture tires. 

Annual General Membership Meeting:  A General Membership Meeting will be held April 6th after the Work Party at approximately 9:40am.  The purpose of this meeting is to approve the Budget for 2024/25, announce the new Board of Directors and provide other updates to the membership. 

Save the Date:  There will be a Garden Picnic in 2024 – set for July 20, 2024 with more details to be announced.

Emails to members: I’m sending all updates, corrections, and monthly reminders via my email.  gregmarcotte56@gmail.com. Please check all folders including spam. Only the plot owner will get emails. 

Food Bank Boxes: The boxes under the food bank cages are for food bank delivery only. These boxes are not for individual picking in your plot. Please bring in your own boxes or bags.

Thanks for Food Bank Contributions:  The amount of produce contributed to the Long Beach Mission and other charities has been amazing this year.  Those of you who contributed your 10% and more should feel very good about this at a time when so many are struggling. 

Feel free to contact me at any time for questions or concerns.

On Behalf of the LBCG Board

Greg Marcotte

LBCG President