The Long Beach Community Gardens has a 100+ tree orchard on an acre of land on the east side. Fruit from the orchard is distributed to members and a portion is donated to the food bank. The orchard serves as an information resource for members to learn about the care and maintenance of fruit trees. It also provides a visual and sound buffer between the gardens and the 605 Freeway.
Permission from the orchard manager or President is required to enter the orchard. Unauthorized taking of fruit is considered theft and will result in loss of membership.
Fruit is placed on the orchard table in the gazebo. Signs indicate the quantity that one person may take. Please be considerate of your fellow members and take only the allowed amount.
There is a wide variety of fruits from apples, bananas, oranges, pears, peaches, apricots, plums and persimmons. Semi-tropical fruits include avocados, cherimoyas, sapote, pineapple guava and loquats. There is generally some ripe fruit all year long.
The orchard is managed in a sustainable way relying on natural pest control as much as possible. Ant barriers are placed on trees allowing predatory insects to control damaging ones. Fungicides using natural bacteria help defend trees against diseases. The primary resource used for managing pest is the University of California Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
Orchard work parties are generally held on Tuesday afternoons or evening depending on the time of year. In addition, special work assignments can be arranged by contacting the orchard manager.
The orchard manager welcomes any questions you may have about growing or maintaining fruit trees. Your help and assistance are always apprecia