Hello Members,

We are coming to the end of the 2023/24 garden year which means:

  • Renewals are due no later than April 30
  • Winter plants need to be removed, and
  • Plots need to be fully planted by Monday, May 1.

April 6 (LAST) Work Party:  This is the last work party of the garden year and a number of garden members (over 40 members) still need 2-6 hours in order to renew their plot.  All hours must be completed in order to even submit the renewal paperwork. Remember, there is no working in individual plots during the work party and children must be age 16 to participate. If you plan to attend, please RSVP by replying to this email — it just helps us to plan the assignments.

April 6 Annual Meeting:  The Annual Meeting will be held at approximately 9:40am, immediately after the completion of the Work Party. All members of the garden are invited to attend. The agenda will include introduction of officers, budget review, approval of the 2024/25 budget and general update.

Orchard Work Parties:  The Orchard work parties are usually every Tuesday from 5-7pm and are by appointment only by signing up at the gazebo. Also, individual appointments are available by contacting Alan Coles at: lbcg.orchard@gmail.com. Your help is greatly appreciated. If you’re unable to attend the orchard work party, please be sure to cancel by crossing off your name or contacting Alan by phone or email. Instructions are in the sign-up box.

Gardening Basics Class:  Saturday, 4/6 3:00pm – Alan Coles, Orchard Manager, will give a class on gardening basics after the general meeting on 4/6.  Topics will include:

  • Soil amendments – what you do and don’t need
  • Common gardening mistakes
  • How to control pests
  • Managing diseases
  • Weeds – how to control

Everyone is welcome.  There is no need to sign up.  Questions:  lbcg.orchard@gmail.com

Sewer Project: A major project to repair the sewer lines outside the east fence of the garden.  The project is under the management of a contractor to the Los Angeles Sanitation District and will be conducted in June or July of this year. The project will entail tearing down the east fencing along the water channel as well as utilization of large equipment and vehicles. Impacts to the garden will include:  sewer smell, closure of the east road, parking around large equipment and coordinating with contractors and Sanitation District workers. More information will be forthcoming as we learn about this project.

2024/25 LBCG Board:  The slate of Officers and Directors has changed this year. We have a new director, Bruce Lissak. This is a good team with everyone contributing based on their expertise. There are two vacant positions which will be appointed by the President. These Officers and Directors are always here to answer your questions.


Greg Marcotte – President 714-262-6735 gregmarcotte56@gmail.com
Nancy Bernstein – 1st Vice President

Membership & Plumbing

562 477-1598 nancybernstein@netscape.net
Douglas Budd 562-522-9019 dpbudd@verizon.net
Mary Sue Omelia – Secretary 562 743-3264 marysue.omelia@gmail.com
Carol Meyer – Treasurer 562 343-3326 crmeyer411@gmail.com



Bruce Lissak – Plumbing (valve management) brucelissak@gmail.com
Alan Coles – Orchard Manager 562 420-9270 lbcg.orchard@gmail.com
Anita Cordova – Food Bank Manager 562 754-0417 ms.abcordova@gmail.com
Chuck Davis – General Maintenance / Critter Control /BBs 562 438-2073 mrchuckdavis@gmail.com
Frank Dayak – Critter Control 562 596-1975 dsingolf@aol.com
Dan Freleaux – Wheelbarrows / Boy Scout Coordinator 562 822-0122 dfreleaux@gmail.com
Milton Johnson – Work Party Water 562 431-1868 miltonjohnson77@yahoo.com
Doug Mullin – Plumbing and Rototilling 714-334-0941 dougmullin@gmail.com

Next Board Meeting:  June 3, 2024 at 6:30pm by Zoom.  If interested in attending, contact President Greg Marcotte for the link.

May 1 Planting Deadline:  All plots are required to be fully planted with plants of the season by Wednesday, May 1.  Any seed planting must be clearly marked so the Board knows that you have planted.

The following cole crops are required to be removed by May 1 to reduce spread of aphids and disease:

  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Also remove kale and any other plants if they are infested with aphids.

Board members will be checking the 1st week of May. If you have questions about any information left at your plot.

Sunflowers, Artichokes, Asparagus and Corn:  These plants must be planted at least 4 feet in from the borders to prevent shading of neighboring plots and obstruction of pathways. Artichokes and all other plants need to be trimmed regularly to avoid animals hiding underneath them.  Also consider growth on trellises when you put them up – you may want to put them more in the center of your plot.

Mulch:  There is currently ample mulch in the corners.  We are noticing pathways that are not mulched — mulch is added to cover dirt — do not make them higher then the border boards.  If you have a weed problem in the pathways, do NOT just cover with mulch as this will only increase the problem.  Dig out the weeds. No cardboard, plastic or weed barrier in pathways unless buried 2 inches below the dirt then mulch. It’s a tripping hazard.

Parking: Please park on the pavement while in the garden.  Driving over the edge causes the pavement to buckle and break off. Huge metal spikes on edge can damage tires. We are seeing some damage and it is very difficult and expensive to repair.  Parking on the mulch also obstructs gardeners whose plots are adjacent to the road.

Speed Limit:  Remember the speed limit is 5 mph, even if you don’t see anyone. Lots of speeding is being noticed.  Especially in the NW corner. Correction Notices will be issued.

Annual Picnic:  Save the date! The picnic will be July 20, 2024. Details and volunteer opportunities will be announced in next month’s update.

MEMBERSHIP/PLOT RENEWAL FOR 2024-25 — See below linked material for the renewal process.  PLEASE READ CAREFULLY.

Garden Plot Renewal:   Renewals are due in garden mailbox or postmarked end of day Tuesday, April 30 — late submissions will be assessed a $45 late fee.  Must include Renewal Form, $160 check or M.O., and copies of DL and utility bill and community service requirements must be met.

Follow the steps listed below to successfully complete the renewal process.

  1. Fill out the Membership Renewal Contract COMPLETELY
  2. Include a copy of Proof of Residency such as utility bill, deed, home insurance or other acceptable  documentation with name and address clearly indicated (current within the last 3 months).
  3. Include a copy of your driver’s license showing name and address; you may black out the license number.
  4. Include a check or money order (must be signed on front) payable to LBCGA for $160.00 (no cash) plus any desired donation.
  5. Mail the contract, proof of residency copy, driver’s license copy and check or money order in an envelope (not provided) – either by US Postal Service or in the garden mailbox in front of the small barn in the orchard.

Happy Gardening,

Greg Marcotte

On Behalf of the Board LBCG